VIVA VOLT English Grammar

English Grammar

and Composition
English is a dynamic and fascinating language, spoken by 1.5 billion people across the world. And how does one learn a language that is always evolving? Through its grammar, of course! This comprehensive blended course makes grammar interesting and enjoyable. With attention to concepts, vocabulary, understanding and written expression, VOLT English Grammar makes the student an all-round winner.

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Focus of the Course

Knowledge of Language Structure

Knowledge of Language Structure

Comprehension Skills

Comprehension Skills

Strong Vocabulary

Strong Vocabulary

Writing Proficiency

Writing Proficiency

Reading Skills

Reading Skills

Why English Grammar?

    English is a second language to us, and it can be a daunting subject for young learners. VOLT English Grammar takes a holistic approach towards English grammar learning through:
  • Simplification of complex grammar concepts presented through video lectures
  • Interactive practice exercises to make learning fun.
  • Downloadable worksheets for offline practice
  • NEP-aligned Active Grammar module for practical application of grammar theory

Components of the Course

Video Lessons

Interactive Quizzes

Digital Glossaries

Comprehension Lessons

Printed Course Books

Activity Books

Assessment Tests

Printable Practice Resources

Student's Success Journey

  1. Think and reason abstractly

  2. Efficiently process information

  3. Link to mathematics and science

  4. Strengthen cognitive skills

  5. Analyse and obtain logical solutions


Select Class

English Grammar  Class 6 Class 6

• Coursebook

• Digital Course

English Grammar  Class 7 Class 7

• Coursebook

• Digital Course

English Grammar  Class 8 Class 8

• Coursebook

• Digital Course