VIVA VOLT General Knowledge

General Knowledge

The World in a Nutshell
General Knowledge is important for the development of one’s overall personality. Being informed about various subjects and domains enables holistic thinking and informed decision-making. It boosts the learners’ confidence and develops a well-rounded personality. Wide knowledge helps in making conversations and in writing with impact. It opens our eyes to different opinions and perspectives.

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Skills Developed

Better Cognitive Abilities

Better Cognitive Abilities

Communication Skills

Communication Skills

Staying Informed

Staying Informed

Study Skills

Study Skills

increased interest in various fields

increased interest in various fields

informed Decision Making

informed Decision Making

 Improved General Awareness

Improved General Awareness

Efficient Problem Solving Skills

Efficient Problem Solving Skills

Why General Knowledge?

    This comprehensive learning programme blends knowledge of various domains. It covers core themes like sports, culture, values, science and technology, world, India, literature, and current affairs. Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning methods are used to help learners grasp information easily. These methods are known to be effective tools for learning.

Components of the Course

Video Lessons

Interactive Quizzes

year books


Print Coursebooks

Online and offline Tests

Printable Practice Resource

Student's Success Journey

  1. Think and reason abstractly

  2. Efficiently process information

  3. Link to mathematics and science

  4. Strengthen cognitive skills

  5. Analyse and obtain logical solutions


Select Class

General Knowledge  Class 6 Class 6

• Coursebook

• Digital Course

General Knowledge  Class 7 Class 7

• Coursebook

• Digital Course

General Knowledge  Class 8 Class 8

• Coursebook

• Digital Course